These are the designs and work of Karmuel Young. I think he is a promising designer as his designs are really extraordinary. He has just graduated from a design school in Hong Kong, i hope to see his collection in the stores within the next few years.
Work Hard! Karmuel
Posted by
Monsieur AG
a cheap rip off of dior homme. nothing to be excited about. something to expect since japan has started copying, mainland/hk is following the lead.
C'mon man...give him some encourage instead of associating him to some imitators from China or Japan...his designs are at least u see any single bit of Dior Homme in his creations? I see none...the only thing that is similar is the slim aesthetic.
his styles are of dior homme. its just like purchasing dh articles and re matching them, for example:
3rd and 4th pic are of the votc runway, where the model was wearing a wine red sweater with elbow patches and grey pants.
5th pic is like a dior jeans watch with a FW06 collection of long coat.
6th 7th pic are a knock off of strip collection, where hedi uses a lot of patterns.
let me guess, is he going to go and charge a ridiculous price for the dior fans in HK? or is he going to play it like the japanese, and sell it for cheaps but high quantity?
i apologize if my remarks are a bit straightforward, but im just speaking out my opinion. Is he a friend of yours?
First of all, i don't know him personally. I merely seen his works on some website and i think his designs are really nice.
I am not sure if he is going to start his own fashion house as he has just graduated from fashion school this year. I don't even know his direction...
I just think that his designs are really nice...thats all :)
我想你會喜歡lad musician 的tee 也是因為他的調調很像dior homme,而lad musician在日本有"日版dior homme"之偁,我自己就有好幾件lad musician 的tee,不曉得你知不知道一個日本的新銳品牌叫"GALAABEN D",我覺得他的設計也是很有看頭!
其實slim或skinny style已經出現了很久,由80年代的rocker style已經開始(可能更早)。Hedi Slimane只不過將這種style展現給全世界。他自己是個rock fan,一直以來都穿skinny style,所以他才會把這股風氣展現在他的設計上。
我喜歡lad musican是因爲他的設計往往都有音樂的味道,例如我剛買的tee是rolling stones的設計。Lad Musicain完全比不上Dior Homme,它只不過是一個能每天都穿用的品牌而不會像Dior Homme那麽槍眼。其實有很多日牌都很好,但始終都是亞洲的品牌...所以才沒出名。
不過我覺得有comme des garcons的帶領,其他日牌都會有機會出名。
hi monsieur, can u tell me in what website did u find his works? I would love to see more of them. thx!
hi monsieur, I am so surprise that you posted the pic in your site. I am so happy about "introducing Karmuel Young". It is good to get different comments from the others.
RDF, this is his blog and you can see his graduation works there.
karmuel, i thought so too. What i want is just to share your good designs to everyone... :)
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