These are the favourite Dior Homme items of Karmuel
top to bottom, left to right03-04AW lookbook
04SS lookbook
04-05AW lookbook
05SS lookbook
05-06AW lookbook
06SS lookbook
06-07AW lookbook
07SS lookbook
07-08AW lookbook
05-06AW DVD
06-07AW DVD
07-08AW DVD
03-04AW DVD
WOOW great items...seriously, how can you say a lookbook is your favorite item,Do yourself a favor stop buying them on ebay and keep your money to buy a real thing from DH
i think his collection of the catalog is very good...perhaps he has alot of nice DH items but he still thinks that his catalogs are his prized collection :)
no, it lacks the first couple of season, which dior homme is famous for.
its true but...
its also not easy to get so many lookbook
Can I have a copy of the 03-04AW DVD? Is it the official one? I can exchange the 05SS DVD for you.
I really want to have a copy of 05SS DVD and 07-08 DVD. Would you do me a favor? I would like to pay if any cost incurred. My e-mail address is:
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