Favourite Dior Homme items #10
These are the favourite Dior Homme items of Issa
SS07 & AW07 Leather Jacket
SS07 & AW07 Leather Jacket

SS07 Blazer & SS05 Suit
SS04 Blazer & AW02 Suit
AW06 Tailcoat
AW05 Gold Heels & AW06 Buckle Boots
AW07 Duffle Bag
AW05 scarf & AW07 scarfAW07 armwarmer
AW01 Cummerbund
SS05 Accessories
AW03 Belt
let me introduce when jackets did come from: (from top to bottom in order)
Leather: 07AW
Leather: 07SS
Blazer: 07SS
Suit: 05SS (re-issue of 04SS which Hedi used to wear it a lot)
Blazer: 04SS (Re-issue of 03SS)
Suit: 02AW (in fact, it's a herringbone with leather cuffs. size 42P, but fits like a 44 with skinny sleeves)
Tailcoat: 06AW
Golden Boots 6.5cm: 05AW
Black Boots with buckles 6.5cm: 06AW
Duffle bag: 07AW
Silk scraf: 05AW
Wool oversized scarf & arm warmers: 07AW
Leather cummerbund belt: 01AW
Accessories: 05SS
Neon orange patent belt: 03AW
Too bad your items are size 44. Otherwise I would basically offer you a blank check for the AW 02 suit. Not that you would sell it anyway. Nice collection. (by the way, if anyone has the gray suit from AW 02 and the blazer from SS04 in size 48/50, name your price and let me know).
You should try asking for vintage DH items at the Dior homme msn group. Just post it up at the buying/selling section... a lot of cool things are up. You can also get a similar tux blazer from the 07/08 winter season. It's on sale at Dior Homme in the US for around $1050 right now... I think they have 2 left in size 48 at the Las Vegas store. I was about to get it but I recently spent a lot of money at eBay and that Dior homme msn group picking up vintage stuff... and I still gotta buy presents for my girlfriend this weekend... damn those pricey handbags =(
Issa, i trusted you and bought the 46...I hope it fits tightly like what u said...
haha, Rimbo, my 02AW suit are 42P, but it fits like 44 with slimmer and shorten sleeves.
AG, you've ordered in DH landmark??? Thru Nic? You can't resist to it finally, lol~
yeah...but after i bought it then i realised that there is a 44 in TST...I really pissed because Nic told me that there is no more 44 but he didn't tell me there is a 44 in TST.
oh, i feel sorry for that too, i never know there's another 44 in TST~~btw, how did u know that? I thought he didn't realize it too, since he told me there's one left in their shop before. Because he always help me to check stocks in TST before, he told me that company suddenly sent last season's dead-stock to them yesterday.
i just called TST shop and they said there are actually afew 44 in the Landmark store!!! I am so angry about this and i told them that i want an exhange or i'll complain. She said i will receive a call tmr on this issue
a few 44?? u meant the biker??? but i dun see any reasons that they dun sell u the 44....??
i know there are other style in size 44...but for the biker, they said they only have one. because i asked them before buy~Strange~
yeah the biker! this was what the sales associate said...
it's weird~~but i can tell you, their computer always have problems....i used to keep 2 jeans before, 1 size 28 & 1 x 29. I was not able to go to try it. One afternoon, another sales (nic was off) called me if i want to keep the 29, since another customer wanted it, so i told him to sell it first, because i usually wear 28. And i asked if they still keep the 07AW leather for me, that sales told me that he can't find it, i was so shocked...After an hour, that sales told me he found the leather and another size 29 in the store room....I just dunno why their system is so messy....
maybe they are "new"
anyway, the sales asscociate at HK DH are not so service-oriented...
yes, maybe. but I'm very satisfied with Nic~ We talk a lot~
i haven't met anyone who is that nice at DH....they are usually snobbish...
Maybe its because i buy very little things there as there are usually nothing nice for me to buy
i met some unfriendly one too. but i didn't buy from him before, he was so nice to me too. and help us to keep items before discount and told me not to buy at that moment since the sale is coming. he gave me 2 hangers for each jacket every time~lol~ shhhhhhh, secret.
you are referring to Nic?
well, i guess i won't be going to DH shop anymore since SS07 sucks...i dun think AW07 will be good too
by the way, i heard some rumours that KVA will be designing only 2 season for Dior. So SS09 will be done by someone else...
by Nicholas Andrea Taralis??? He had been sacked by Cerutti for only 1 season...crazy..
i am not sure man...but why do u say he is crazy?
I meant cerruti is crazy, always sack their designer after 1 -2 collections.
hahaha...thats true...
Hi issa,
what size is ur aw07 leather? it looks bigger than ur ss07.
can u tell me how much u paid for it, if u dont mind. thx!!
it's a size 46, the ss07 is 44. but the ss07 is much smaller than normal 44. It's around USD3000 after discount.
3000usd is for ss07? how much is aw07 one? thx!!
07aw is around 3100USD, it's a size 46. The last piece in Hong Kong. There's only a few piece in hong kong. You have interest??? haha~it runs a bit large on me, since i normally wear 44~
icic. i got a 44 already. just wanna see how much the sale price is in hk. And that is a very good price..thx!
i wish i have got the 44...tell me if u want to exchange~hehe
haha. 46 will b way too big for me. i even tried 42 before. decided to take 44 due to better arm length. btw. what other leather jackets in hk shop sale that has size44? thx
i think only the silver shearing has size44 now. Hong Kong's too hot to wear it. LOL~~OMG, 42....i wish i got it.....
BTW, how do u treat the neck's flap??? I rarely zip up jackets and i found it's so difficult to breathe for this one after zip up. in fact, it's tight after zip up, you can't even sit if you zip up to chest. for the "flap", i don't zip both side and just hold it on a button~~it looks more natural~ anyway, i love this leather~even much more if i can get a smaller size~~~because i always wear a tee underneath only~~~~
I always wear a hoodie inside rather than tee, personally i think is better due to the short collar the jacket has. the hanging hood outside the back of the jacket will give the whole look a bit more 'street' as i think this jacket is a very outstanding piece when wearing in the streets. As for the flap part, i zip and button 1 side, and i never zip up the jacket also. I tried the way u just button it up without zipping it. but I just feel that it can come off easily(the button is strong i know, but just 'feel' unsafe), and i always think that I will lose it......
LOL!!! yes yes!!! I 'm always afraid it'll be lost too!!!! So i always check if it's still there! The button is very strong indeed...but i can't afford to lose that! I can't wear a hoodie underneah since hong kong is around 16-22C....i wish i was in london....
Hi, I'm new here. Call me Dixon. I love all the Dior Homme stuffs so much. I want to know ur Duffle Bag's price. How can u get it and will u gonna sell it?
hi dixon, i got the bag in dh shop. it was around 1300USD. But i'm not letting go of it, it's just too nice, haha~
I was wondering if you still had the Dior Homme AW05 Gold Heels..Would you consider selling them to me.I would be so grateful.
i would like to buy now the gold dior homme boots let me know size and price i have money put aside for this day. my email is
ty-rone_86@hotmail.com or gregory.tyronedavis@yahoo.com
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